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plutoxoxo • 2 years ago

this case was so stupid my gawd like all this over a flag? what's the point? just a waste of time

strange guy • 1 year ago

I was fine with it honestly it’s better than the computer case

Not Sera • 2 years ago

What would you do if I cut your country's flag? You just gonna say, "Oh, that's fine. It's just a waste of time to find out who did that. Make another flag, then it will all be okay." hahah. The country you are living should kick you out there 'cause you're just a waste of--- nvm. Why did I waste my time typing this nonsense reply?

plutoxoxo • 2 years ago

i still won't care lmao it's just a piece of cloth it's not that deep, it got ripped and like... okay? why make it that big you could just make or buy another????

Tacos&Nachos • 2 years ago

Sonoko a hoe

Tsunnn. • 2 years ago

3:12 PM

This is the most brutal case so far.
Flag didn't deserve that treatment :(

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


Lmao Sonoko started simping for that guy and Conan immediately crossed his arms abd glared at her. Her hates her!!

This episode just felt so useless idk. Like it added nothing to the story. Epitome of filler. I wouldn't say it was boring necessarily but it just barely passes the cusp of being interesting. Why must the most useless of filler episodes have the best animation style..

strange guy • 1 year ago

It’s quite ironic Sonoko would have a boyfriend after this yet she falls for other guys

strange guy • 1 year ago

I mean I didn’t care for that computer episode honestly so this one would be quite like that too

Hanbin in da houze • 1 year ago

01.13 AM

strange guy • 1 year ago

Looking at the comments this episode is pretty forgettable

Guest • 1 year ago
Feeltis Catcus • 1 year ago

Never trust this link.